Retire Your Fat Jeans Once and for All!

Doc Shauna on the Left - after years of dieting…on the Right after 6 months of ‘No More Dieting!’

Doc Shauna on the Left - after years of dieting…on the Right after 6 months of ‘No More Dieting!’

 Let’s get right to it…

1) Increase Protein Intake and Eat it at Every Meal - Starting First Thing in The Morning. This is a high-yield tip! Studies show that weight loss increases when dietary intake consists of at least 30% protein (mainly animal protein = meat, poultry, dairy). Eat a Big Hunk of Protein First Thing in The Morning - Every Morning, and at Lunch and Dinner. Trust me on this. The long and the short of it is - protein suppresses 'ghrelin' which is a hormone that activates and sustains hunger. And protein increases leptin, which is a hormone that stimulates satiety. Protein also requires greater 'work input' for our body to break down, thus it burns more calories in the digestion process. Protein, or Partial Protein Snack Ideas: Turkey Jerky (look for lower-sodium brands), deviled eggs, cottage cheese with some pineapple pieces (it's good!), apple with cheese, apple with peanut butter, a few handfuls of nuts, etc.

2) Next, Let Vegetables Fill Your Plate. They are filling, fibrous, and healthy! Fruit next, complex carbs - LAST (in quantity) and when you eat complex carbs - they should be whole grains (everything brown and fibrous).



*For the complete instruction and counseling over 1000 people have used to reach their goal weight, buy the best-selling book No More Dieting! on Amazon now!

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*For the complete instruction and counseling over 1000 people have used to reach their goal weight, buy the best-selling book No More Dieting! on Amazon now!

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3) Take Your Fiber Supplement Daily. This also increases leptin. Leptin's release is triggered by the gut stretching (being 'full'). Also, the space that fiber occupies in the gut forces us to eat less every day than we would without taking fiber. This produces a gradual, but steady weight loss.

4) Have an Evening Eating Cut Off Time - about 4 hours before bedtime (e.g. 6pm if you go to bed at 10pm). Brush your teeth at 5:59pm when you're done eating for the day. This will make it a pinch harder to defy your cut-off eating time rule.

5) Drink A 64oz Of Water Each Day. that's not really a lot - just eight 8oz cups. The body actually burns quite a bit of calories 'processing' and utilizing water! Plus reducing thirst seems to reduce hunger also. Lastly, we want to prevent constipation and dehydration.

6) Out of the 64oz, Drink 10oz of Water Before Eating Each Meal. Doing this and taking the fiber each day - you'll be shocked at how little you can eat!

7) Exercise at Least 30 Minutes Daily! Even if you just power walk! Can I have a commitment from you to do this daily? Thank you much!

8) Scan Every Meal and See Where You Can Shave Off at Least 100 Calories off EVERY Meal. YOU WILL LOSE 30 POUNDS BY DOING THIS ONE SIMPLE THING! Reduce amounts of condiments, reduces carbs, almost never have caloried drinks! Save that for special occasions (champagne toast, etc.).

9) Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. We munch, overeat, and want to eat carbs when we're tired because subconsciously, we're seeking energy and a pick-me-up.

 That’s all for now. Until next time!

Best of health to you!

Doc Shauna
Weight Loss Specialist
Speaker, Author of bestseller
No More Dieting!